Alhamdullillah thanks to ALLAH Al-mighty for giving me chance to breath again today mudah mudahan dapat mencari keredhaannya jua. Huhu its been a while i dont blog rasa macam betagar kan becerita hehe ok ok lets talk about what ive been doing last week. Wuhuu Last week is a very busy week for ive got lot of function happened one of it was Zuin’s Majlis doa kesyukuran sempena masuk Islam at our school.
Last Saturday all teachers and colleague celebrating my best buddies Zw for chosing the rigth path, she became one of us. Semua guru-guru involve dlm menjayakan occassion ani termasuklah our PPKD sendiri sebagai Tetamu Kehormat. The suasana before the occassion siuk berabis mcm c Zw plg kan kawin hehe she’s been bullied by all the staff d sana
Tukang usai podium
My latest hand+computer made PROGRAM
Merangkum tukang karat program walau pun d belakang atu tukang karat pandan.
Our new Curtain heard that it cost half of my salary *Wyn wyn untung kau nak MERIAH~*
Pengantin BINI :P
Selebihnya the real function you can see d picture on Zw Blog hehe.
Love the event feel like family rasanya ..Alhamdullillah once again i can feel the Sillaturrahim antara kami satu staff, Semoga tuhan memberkati majlis kami.