25 March 2011

New life New goal New Happiness


wuhu!! its been a while i didn't update my blog, this afternoon my ubd frens do mention about this, she said "she know how to tell story in the blog yet she havent update it, for almost a year!!" hehhehe...000...dalam diam kau baca blog aku yeee...oklah kalau begitu..lets begin with, bismillahhirahmannirahim...


well why do i want to start blogging again?!!! it started when i realized that i cannot sleep and i don't want to do my assignment hehehe (malas bah kan buat ..nda siuk towh..hehe)ok u guys really want to know what I've been up to sampai nda lagi terrrr blog..frankly speaking i dah meluat tengok blog blog ni tau hehehe jgn marah not ur blog its just that ...almost everyday we all keep on updating blog for my assignment. (oh yaa i forgot...hehehe i've been offered to do my teaching course at uni. since august last year)so bila selesainya course saya nanti dengan rasmi nya saya akan mempunya sijil mengajar hehehe....

Alhamdullilah, after gone through this course(though i haven't finish my course yet..hehe) i enhance my teaching skills,and and i just cant wait to TEACH!!! *esehhh udahnyaa..ia jua sangal tu nanti* through my experience in uni. i've learned the meaning of appreciating things, thank you who ever involve in selecting me to continue my study in this teaching field, i couldn't agree more how happy and lucky i am in this course not to mention all my wonderfull coursemate who always gives effort everytime we're assign in a group.(mcm kata kata alu-aluan tym anugerah pelakon terbaik tah pulang)

I hope what i've learn there in UBD can be applied in my real teaching in near future, mudah mudahan d permudahkan aminn...

SERIOUSLY it never cross my mind for the first week of my course to gain so much knowledge in teaching. now the words "SPN"(apanah ertinya??sapa dpt jwb sila claim hadiah d moe hehe) make sense to me..now i know whythe government is trying and pushing as harder as they can to standardize the youth educations...but ofcoz there will be the rise and fall effect, but then it is not for their own benefits yet its for people who'll be living 50 years ahead, to expose people how knowledge is important, to create more educated local people, to shape them bla bla (bi sudah bi...bawa beristigfar..bukan forum ni)

Alhamdullillah once again aku bersyukur padamu ya illahi, kau telah kurniakan keselamatan yang baik, kesempurnaan yang tidak terhingga, dan raja yang bijaksana di Negara Brunei Darussalam ini.With all the facilities provided by HM i couldnt agree more, im proud to be bruneian..heheh (patriotik tu buuiiii)

okay what else should i mention here ..hmm..oh yaa my..monsta inc. company..what about it???ok just to update now i have 6 monsta inc. and yesss....its getting exaggerating monsterizing....but unfortunately i still love them to the max..

Alhamdullillah, life is getting better now, health is much improving, insyallah..

i guess thats it for now, i'l be blogging soon insyaallah (tadah kan tangan marilah kita berdoa beramai-ramai) if keaadan mengizinkan!..kalat mata me ehhh

P/s:Coming soon!!! pictures with stories will be at my blog (doakan saja ah hahahah)


Zhoe Wynz said...

bi... mcm buat assigment blog ko ah.. ahhahaha maju bruneiii yeeeaaa