omg! omg! omg! i was so excited sampai i couldn't susun ayat for this to start huhu~~ok ok ...*relax bi relax* (breath in..breath out...)it all started when i read my fren (which i jrg jumpa tapi we used to be closed dulu d SMJA or shud i said geng melepak eseeh!) Status di FB and bermula lah kisah~~~

Soo im excited lah when i saw d 4 of us gathered in FB!!!

what the..hahaha guess what!!

its been a long long tym d 4 of us didnt sit together...dulu we use to lepak belakang lab science during break tym coz our subject after d recess is owez our science class...siuk kali ah we talk we laugh hahaha my partner in crime is owez c fiza hahah kami becakaaaaaaaaaaaappppp saja ...
sweet moment huh guys..miss u guys a lot...dulu we owez wonder what will we do in future and guess what semua "TEACHER" hahaha yang paling unsangkareablenya a teacher hahah almost my old friends will laugh n look puzzled everytime i told them im now a teacher....mcm apa kannn muka ku ani nsa sais kah hahahahha well face the fact everyone "I AM A TEACHER" let me tell u guys how i met my 3 sweet bestfren in high school
My sweet "Inteligent" gurlfren who lovesss yellow *nda pulang ku tau ia masih suka kah nda* huhu i know her since form 1 i seldom talk to her masa form 1 coz she's a chinese n i duno how to speak in english dulu*
Hjh Mas~
*also curi from fb*
My cute adorable gurlfren who loves green masa lagi dulu *biasalah masa damit kalau nda tau bestfrennya punya favourite color buang jabat tapi banar kah nda green ah hahaha* yehaaa~ she laugh a lot dr dulu sampai bila bila hehe..ada baby satu udah i believe babynya mesti gauk macam ia..know her since form 1 sudah..she's sweet n caring and kuat ketawakan n her owez beibun to d max..she love footbal masa ia muda muda dulu nda tau masa ani lah..mun dulu ia saja dgn tudung2nya belusir2 dgn kazennya laki laki main bola...she oso pandai maa..ahh but she owez layan my crapness hahah..she's caring n never failed to inform me setiap kali ada gathering u lengzzAfidZaRenaaa~~

Newly wed gurlfren of mine ....i know her since form 1 jua...back in hi school dulu ia selaluuuu complaint itu ini walau pun ia tau sumtyms aku malas melayan hahaha..but this cute lady is a very good her to d max ...hmm ia ani macam cengkrik plg selaluuuu saja bising tapi i didnt know apa yang d komplen nya selama ani hahahaif aku di sebalahnya ni mesti kana cubit ...we use to talk n talk n talk...d class talking,d jamban talking,d kantin talking,history class comfirm talking hahaha ..jgn mrh dang pija ahhaha
And last tuesday we finaly manage to met at d arc ...we talk we laugh mcm dulu ...miss you guys a lot and yess..though we're not close anymore.. we're owez be bestfriends here in my heart.Dulu we only mampu berlepak d blakang lab but now mampu kali udah ahhh....