10 October 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

Assalamualaikum Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims.....
Maaf Zahir dan Batin..Hari Raya this year is way different from the previous years...not that happening yet we celebrate it secara sederhana...Without mummy on the first day raya is a bit awkward...nda kecoh heheh(of coz in a gud way ahaks) ..n i miss it dayyymn much...no order from any 1 rasa takut makanan nda dpt d siapkan...we r not confident without her...and papi..yes papi...:'( *jatuh air mata ku melihatnya* do d cooking as well as d lampu cucul at the same tym...he want us to celebrate morning eid same as before....papi i love u so much..and yes u manage to make us happy..ALHAMDULLILAH. . *ku syukuri hadir mu dalam hidupku*

In d morning of our first eid, as ussual we used to have an eid breakfast..gathered together and this tym we talk about mummy alot..owh mummy we miss u so much *al fatihah*..there he is my wonderful papi..looking smart after d eid praying ...we ate what papi's cook and the monsters..yes my monster..enjoying their food as well...

The menu is so simple yet it is so delicious..hey how many of us can taste air tangan ayah heheh lucky me i guess....here come our main course...Chicken Nasi Briyani

Nasi Minyak made by papi tooFried Fish with Sambal asam pedas....papi made this and it taste daymmm yummy i love it papi thank you ...nda jauh jua mcm masakan mummy..hey u guys mummy thougth him how to cook this and a lot more...Alhamdullilah im happy being raised by this family*not that im adopted huhu*

Chicken Wings papi's favourite chicken part hehehe and my favourite too huhu..
And there's more food been served but i feel lazy to add it here heheh oh yaa me and papi's favourite deserts "telur padi" tapi mesti padas yoo krg terlentuh sudah hahaha
not to forget the fruit tho..

Once again Alhamdullilah feel syukur to Allah to have this family as my own...Papi thank you for being there and be d greatest Father in d world .. WE LOVE YOU..me..wif Papi ...d siblings(3 sista)...d inlaws and MY MONSTERZZ..LOVE u all


pupu said...

na apa oh b. kuat kan semangat b. Go go Bibi!!! ^^*

Zhoe Wynz said...

greatest papi in d world :)
may the strength will always be with u & ur family...

Selamat hari raya..
(kan abis dah syawal huhu)

Mrs Emzee said...


B!!! i love you!!!

Ya Allah, limpahkan rahmat kesihatan, murah rezeki ke atas keluarga ini... permudahkan urusan mereka, limpahkan rahmat kebahagian, rahmat ketenangan ke atas setiap ahli keluarga mereka. Ya Allah, tempatkan la bonda mereka bersama golongan orang-orang yang beriman.. Ya Allah, dan aku sayang kepadanya cBB Anapi :p, lindungilah dan berikanlah dia kekuatan untuk kebaikan keluarganya jua....

Amin Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...

B! im sorry i cant be wif u thru ur downtimes... bt my prayers always goes out for u... (mcm buat blog tia plg) hehe.

Bibi Anapi said...

tym bedoa pun boleh menjulur kah heheh :P thanx anyway darlz lap youh