Bertemu lagi kita di hari jumaat yang mulia ini eseh, usul2nya every friday tah saja alai ani free ni hehehe as ussual tadi patang pun i go UBD lagi dan membuat kerja kerja yang terbengkalai, today i semangat sangat nak blog mayb because there are a lot of things that im ready to share here in my blog.
Insyaallah i will selalu selalu update my blog,actually something is playing on my mind just now,when i was busy washing the dishes, i feel like want to update the blog but sometimes i am lack of idea, then!!(ting ting)*kuar lampu 100watt atas kepala*...i've decided to make one project for this blog.
baiklah...mari kita buat intro untukk project i end up with this project actually bermulalah kisah ini, pada satu petang yang hujan 14 mac 2011 after visiting my aunt d tungku, sis and i decide to buy shoes, so we all go and surf for the shoes somewhere around qlap.

(yes we manage to buy something but nope its not shoes)
jalan punya jalan punya jalan our plan detour to SDA gym equipment at qlap, discuss punya discuss ..nah kau nahh belurihhh!!!

treadmill!!! wuhuuu kunun lah ni kan exercise berkobar kobar tarus d jiwa when it place in our extra room at home and now i call it "Mini GYM", then ofcoz i ask for free gift as u know (c zuin tau ni aku jinis majalll) i demand another big bulky gym equipment as a free gift..pajal punya pajal (coz my mom punya bapa punya saudara punya anak kawin sama anak kaling kali iatah ada sedikit keturunan memajal in my blood) she agreed to give us ...jeng jeng jeng

yeayy!! another jungle gym untuk org basar!!
and and i asked for the iron weight 20kg for another extra free gift, alhamdullillah she said in one condition jgn bagi tau org ia bagi byk free gift(opsss terblog pun).
keisukkan harinya,bermulalah babak pertama, wahh semangat nya saya, tidak terhingga lagi behhh..what i like about this treadmill it design in motor driving ala ala JPMC gym so nda payah lah lagi kial kial(dengan ati nda rela) kan k JPMC,

(can u see there's a lot of functions)

ahhh this is one of my favourite, we can watch video or listen to the music (siap dengan speaker lagi and usb port for pendrive) atau look at your fat picture as a motivation untuk kurus huhu

u see the song ive upload to my pendrive, and hey look anuar zain folder(dedicated to cg rosma and cg hjh mana tau beliur jua kan membali heheh)..and yess of coz glee!!
alhamdullillah ever since then my exercise routine on treadmill everymorning almost everyday..and ofcoz lah makin sehari makin semangat lots of stuff i bought to help with my new routine now, especially taking diet suppliment for boosting my muscle and to slim down my body (esehh) dari sinilah bermulanya project saya ini untuk memblog secepat mungkin apa yang di buat hari hari seterusnya dalam usaha mengurangkan berat badan yang gendut ini.
dengan kalimah Bismillahirrahmannir rahim Project "Biggest Loser" akan bermula hari ini !!!!
*di minta para pembaca mendoakan semoga project ini berjalan lancar amin!!!